Thursday, December 1, 2016


Excusitis:  Derived from the word "Excuse".It is the tendency/disease/regular behavior of making excuses for every poor performance .In simpler words, giving excuses for everything and trying to back their faults                                               -The Urban Dictionary

Excusitis.  More common than the common cold, it is one of the most debilitating conditions a human being can contract.  It is a reason that many people live for 50, 60, 70 or more years and never achieve anything of significance in life.  

I am at a time in my life when "reasonable" excuses abound.  I don't even have to make the excuses myself--my friends make them for me! 

"Oh, we understand how busy you are."
"Your house looks great considering how busy you are."
"Your schedule is packed--you can exercise later."

While I appreciate my sweet friends and their graciousness, I am learning that I cannot let excuses "excuse" me from valuing my priorities.  What are my priorities?  

1.  I want to know God more intimately and understand His word more accurately.  I want to become more like Him in my thoughts, actions and values.
2.  I want to have a fit,healthy and energetic body.  I must admit that this priority tends to eclipse the first one at times.
3.  I want to be a good wife to my husband.  I want him to feel loved, supported, encouraged, heard and understood by me.
4.  I want my children to feel loved, supported and confident.  I want to help equip them with the tools (character, discipline, discernment, etc)  they will need as they grow up.
5.  I want to be a responsible, valuable member of human society and help others in any way that I can.  This requires growth in knowledge, skill and emotional intelligence.

I often get frustrated when I see women (and even some men) who waste time when I feel like I don't have a moment to waste.  I never accomplish everything on my to-do list, even after working on it all day.  Still, I am thankful for the busy, full life that I have.  If I can continue to grow in my relationship with God, strengthen my body and improve its health, be there for my family and improve myself from the inside even when it is hard, there will come a day when all of those things will become easier.  The children will get older and need me less.  I will have less extra weight to carry around and, with that, more energy.  I will have more abundance to pour into the lives of others.  

I need to have faith that the "it gets easier" day will come.  That faith is a very effective vaccine for Excusitis.